wget http://mysql-cacti-templates.googlecode.com/files/mysql-cacti-templates-1.1.2.tar.gz
tar -xzvf mysql-cacti-templates-1.1.2.tar.gz cd mysql-cacti-templates-1.1.2 cp ss_get_mysql_stats.php /xok.la/cacti/scripts 可以看到里面有多个监控项目,报告监控apache和nginx.我这只测试mysql,mysql相关的就2个文件: 模板文件:cacti_host_template_x_db_server_ht_0.8.6i.xml 插件:ss_get_mysql_stats.php修改ss_get_mysql_stats.php 文件 第30行
$mysql_user = 'cacti';
$mysql_pass = 'cacti'; $cache_dir = "/xok.la/cacti/cache/"; 设置准备监控的数据库的账户相关信息mkdir /xok.la/cacti/cache/
chown -R vhost.vhost /xok.la/cacti/cache/ chmod 777 -R /xok.la/cacti/cache/ 默认在获取的数据/tmp/下,会有cacti不能读取的情况。所以放在cacti目录来。二,创建监控Mysql需要的账户以及权限
配置MySQL服务器,让cacti所在机器能够访问MySQL服务器的状态信息,必须拥有”process”权限。如果要监控InnoDB状态,还必须有”SUPER”权限。mysql> grant process,super on *.* to 'cacti'@'%' identified by 'cacti';
mysql> grant all privileges on cacti.* to cacti@"%" identified by "cacti"; 三,模板导入 在cacti管理界面(Import Templates)导入cacti_host_template_x_db_server_ht_0.8.6i.xml。四,添加设备
创建Graph。在Console选项卡下的左侧菜单栏中选择Devices,为要监控的主机新建一个Devices或选择已有Devices。在Associated Graph Templates中添加想要监控MySQL状态的Graph Templates(如X MySQL Connections GT模板)。并点击最上面的Create Graphs for this Host链接,在Graph Templates的选择框中选择X MySQL Connections GT,然后点击Create按钮,出现以下WEB页。
X InnoDB Buffer Pool Activity GT
X InnoDB Buffer Pool GT X InnoDB I/O GT X InnoDB I/O Pending GT X InnoDB Insert Buffer GT X InnoDB Log GT X InnoDB Row Operations GT X InnoDB Semaphores GT X InnoDB Transactions GT X MyISAM Indexes GT X MySQL Binary/Relay Logs GT X MySQL Command Counters GT X MySQL Connections GT X MySQL Files and Tables GT X MySQL Handlers GT X MySQL Network Traffic GT X MySQL Processlist GT X MySQL Query Cache GT X MySQL Query Cache Memory GT X MySQL Replication GT X MySQL Select Types GT X MySQL Sorts GT X MySQL Table Locks GT X MySQL Temporary Objects GT X MySQL Threads GT X MySQL Transaction Handler GT 插件二(可用):一,脚本下载
wget http://www.faemalia.net/mysqlUtils/teMySQLcacti-20060810.tar.gz
tar -xzvf teMySQLcacti-20060810.tar.gz cd teMySQLcacti cp mysql_stats.php /xok.la/cacti/scripts/ cp dumpMemcachedStats.php /xok.la/cacti/scripts/ 二,模板导入 在cacti管理界面(Import Templates)导入cacti_host_template_temysql_host-step300-heartbeat600.xml 与cacti_host_template_memcached_host-step300-heartbeat600.xml模板文件。三,创建监控Mysql需要的账户以及权限
配置MySQL服务器,让cacti所在机器能够访问MySQL服务器的状态信息,必须拥有”process”权限。如果要监控InnoDB状态,还必须有”SUPER”权限。mysql> grant process,super on *.* to 'cacti'@'%' identified by 'cacti';
mysql> grant all privileges on cacti.* to cacti@"%" identified by "cacti"; 四,添加设备创建Graph。在Console选项卡下的左侧菜单栏中选择Devices,为要监控的主机新建一个Devices或选择已有Devices。在Associated Graph Templates中添加想要监控MySQL状态的Graph Templates(如teMySQL – Index Usage模板,此套模板是以teMySQL开头的一系列模板)。并点击最上面的Create Graphs for this Host链接,在Graph Templates的选择框中选择teMySQL - Locking and Slow,然后点击Create按钮,出现以下WEB页。
teMySQL - CPU Usage
teMySQL - Index Usage teMySQL - InnoDB Buffers Pages/Mem teMySQL - InnoDB File I/O teMySQL - InnoDB InsBuffer teMySQL - InnoDB Locks teMySQL - InnoDB Row teMySQL - Load Average teMySQL - Locking and Slow teMySQL - Network Usage teMySQL - Old Command Stats teMySQL - Old Handler Stats teMySQL - Query Cache teMySQL - Replication teMySQL - Select Handler teMySQL - Select Queries teMySQL - Sorts teMySQL - Temporary Objects teMySQL - Threads/Abends teMySQL - Volatile Handler teMySQL - Volatile Queries 插件三(测试未成功):来源:http://forums.cacti.net/about6108-0-asc-0.html
下载地址: http:///xok.la/file/2009/05/mysql_stats.zip http:///xok.la/file/2009/05/mysqli_stats.zip方法同上。
我只用了2个模板: cacti_graph_template_mysql_connections.xml cacti_graph_template_mysql_thread_statistics.xmlfunction ss_get_mysql_stats( $options ) {
# Process connection options and connect to MySQL.global $debug, $mysql_user, $mysql_pass, $heartbeat, $cache_dir, $poll_time,$chk_options;# Connect to MySQL.$user = isset($options['user']) ? $options['user'] : $mysql_user;$pass = isset($options['pass']) ? $options['pass'] : $mysql_pass;$heartbeat = isset($options['heartbeat']) ? $options['heartbeat'] : $heartbeat;$conn = @mysql_connect($options['host'], $user, $pass);if ( !$conn ) { $conn = @mysql_connect($options['host'].":3307", $user, $pass);}$sanitized_host= str_replace(array(":", "/"), array("", "_"), $options['host']);$cache_file = "$cache_dir/$sanitized_host-mysql_cacti_stats.txt";